Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you dye?

Ok, seriously, I have the worst roots ever...and I do enjoy being blonde I've decided. How does a gal balance the desire to be beooooooooteeeeful with the desire to save money for her family? Cuz by the time I get out of a salon, it's like $80 minimum...help a sista out with some good ideas!!!

P.S. For those of you I discussed this ever so vain issue with last week, the renter dealio didn't work out...


  1. Mine's white without dye. No, really. Except for a small row of hair at the very back of my head that still grows in brown. It started with a very cool streak in my bangs when I was 18. I loved it - maybe too much. I didn't want the rest of it that color!
    BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET I hear the words as I walk into the salon. Fortunately my hairdresser is amazing and wonderful and not super expensive. Plus she gets that I have a family and a budget, so I bring her goodies and she discounts the service. Plus she gives me the exact formula so I can pick up the supplies at Cindy's and do the roots myself every other time. (3 weeks, 4 weeks tops - that's all I can handle) But, it saves me -- I only have to pay every 2 months for the real deal. And it is worth it to look extra beoooootiful for my sweetie! (and for me)

  2. My cousin does hair. She went to beauty school but didn't finish (yes, a beauty school drop out :) ) she does a really good job and is very very reasonable. Let me know if you want her info.
